The committee is responsible for proposing short-term and long-term objectives for the Council for Full Council to approve and for overseeing the Policies of all committees. It is responsible for ensuring that the Council’s agreed objectives are met. The committee meets a minimum of 4 times per annum.

Terms of Reference

To be responsible for proposing short-term and long-term objectives as well as the corporate Policy Framework for the Council for Full Council to approve.

  1. To be responsible for ensuring that the Council’s agreed objectives are met.
  2. The Committee shall meet a minimum of 4 times per year.
  3. Will comprise 13 members being the Leader of the Council, respective Chaiman and Vice Chairman of the five standing committees plus the Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor. The quorum will be 4.
  4. To ensure that all Councillors receive training on the understanding of the Town Council’s objectives.
  5. To be responsible for agreeing the acquisition of assets that supports the growth and operation of facilities and services for Aylesbury Town Council residents.
  6. To be responsible for proposing amendments where necessary to Standing Orders.
  7. To be responsible for overseeing the Policies of all Committees.
  8. To be responsible to reviewing Staff Policies.
  9. To be responsible for staffing and salary reviews.
  10. To be responsible for the annual appraisal of the Town Clerk by appointing the Mayor and Leader of the Council to be responsible for this, both for the Policy Committee in terms of their HR responsibilities and also for the whole Council as a Corporate Body.
  11. To monitor Council budgets and report any under/overspends to Town Council.
  12. To review Committee Terms of Reference in a regular and timely manner.

May 2023

Policy Committee Members