The RAF Association is here to help the whole Royal Air Force family, providing friendship, help and support to current and former members of the Royal Air Force and their dependants.

You do not need to be a member to receive our help. It is estimated that there are around 2.4 million ex-Service people, some 40,000 currently in uniform, their families and dependants under 18 years old, plus dependants with a disability over 18 years old, all of whom are eligible for assistance from the RAF Association.

Your local Branch is situated just outside Halton Village at RAF Halton. It provides companionship, refreshments, entertainment and much more. The Branch is also always looking for more people to assist in its work for the benefit of the community.

For more information you can write to The Chairman, The Royal Air Forces Association, RAF Halton, Bucks, HP22 5PG or initially contact David Mummery on 01296 580714.