Dive into a day of seaside fun at Aylesbury on Sea

A whopping 60 tonnes of sand will transform Vale Park into a Buckinghamshire seaside on Sunday 7 July, offering an unforgettable day of activities and entertainment for everyone!

Look forward to a thrilling game zone featuring a super soaker arena (weather permitting), limbo, volleyball, and mini golf. Witness the cheeky Giant Seagull duo causing havoc in the park, marvel at the singing mermaid, experience the innovative storytelling of Queen’s Park Art Centre’s Unbound Theatre as they present ‘The Sinister Seaside and laugh along with Professor Diamond’s Punch and Judy shows.

Plus, don’t miss Flotsam and Jetsam’s Voyage to the Trash Vortex. They’ll be setting sail on the Great Polymer Poseidon and sharing valuable lessons on the importance of cherishing our planet – with a pirate-y twist!

Hop aboard the land train, visit the Zoomania team at the free face-painting tent, show off your circus skills at the circus workshop, ride the teacups and chair-o-planes and explore a fantastic variety of games and crafts!

Feel free to bring picnics. Gazebos are not permitted.

Quiet Zone

A space for those wanting some time away from the hustle and bustle of the event. Hosted by the incredible Hand Talking, this space has games, toys and activities for visitors with additional needs or those just requiring some time away from the main event.

Gentle area

Small sandpits for under 5s or those needing a quieter play area will be available.


On the day performances

Punch & Judy

Performances at 12:30pm, 1:45pm (BSL) and 3:30pm.

The Sinister Seaside

Performed by Unbound Theatre.

Performances at 11:30am, 1:15pm and 3pm (BSL).

Singing Mermaid

12:30pm and 2:15pm

Flotsam and Jetsam

12:45pm (BSL), 2:30pm

Giant bubbles

11:30am, 3:30pm

Giant seagulls

12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm

With special thanks to

Mason Grab Hire for sponsoring this event.